Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Since my clothing isn't in need of modification yet, I've been focusing my attention on: SHOES! Fall is my favorite time of year (I hate sandals). I can't get enough boots! With knee high, army, and slouchy boots already in my possesion, I was on a mission for some killer ankle booties. After reading one of my favorite blogs, Who What Wear, I spotted a pair that screamed my name. To my surprise, they were affordable! I ordered them as a birthday present to myself. 

I'm currently pairing these bad boys with skinny olive twill pants and LBDs.

Last weekend my sis and I headed down to the MOA for some much needed quality time. Being the doll that she is, she bought me these gems for no reason at all

Thanks Erin! I broke these in by wearing them to the doc today with a printed mini dress and some opaque tights.

Not too long ago I picked up lil bean's first pair of shoes. I couldn't resist. Boy or girl, this babe will have fancy feet.

Baby shoes make me melt...

12 Weeks

Here it is: 12 week belly. I don't notice too much of a difference and I'm still wearing all my same clothes. At the doctor today, I actually LOST weight since my last appointment. I thought this was  crazy, but I guess its fairly normal. I've been extremely lucky since lil bean hasn't given me one ounce of morning sickness!I don't eat any different and haven't noticed an increase in appetite. Current cravings: spicy pickles (no kidding, a jar every couple days), apples, and the occasional McD's run (it's monopoly time again and this girl has already won a free french fry). So long first trimester, onto numero dos...

What's Up Doc? 2nd Appointment

Today was our second doctor's appointment. We got to hear the lil heart beat! It was pretty amazing, but I managed to hold it together pretty well. The doctor says that mama and babe are healthy and all is normal. The best news is we will find out right before Christmas if we are having a lil dude or a lil lady! I don't think I could ask for a better Christmas present. Now if we could only agree on the name...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

10 weeks

First belly shot. Looks like I drank a few too many PBRs...with this being said, I tend to dress in styles that don't emphasize the belly. We'll save the body hugging styles when a more obvious belly bump is present!

What I'm Working With

Here it is...an intimate look into part of my wardrobe. This is years worth of collecting, editing, and inheriting. Although not organized, it describes my style: random. I like print, color, rock and roll, glam, and mixing and matching. Now here's to hoping I can make this work for the next 7 months, with some style modifications of course!


Hello lovelies and thank you for visiting my blog! On September 3, 2010, I discovered I was going to be a mama. The babe has been dubbed "Lil Bean" and will be arriving around May 5, 2011 (Cinco de Mayo...only a natural due date for a ma who loves to have a good time). My goal for this blog is twofold:

  • Keep everyone posted on various stages of "Lil Bean" as I grow and the babe develops
  • Document my journey through the challenges of maternity fashion. As an avid fashion follower, I am stubbornly boycotting maternity clothing. Everyday I will strive to blog about fashion and style tips for the expectant mom who doesn't want to sacrifice their pre-baby style. 
Much love to all! xoxo